Article Section Page
Affiliation......................... I 2 7 2
Agreements, enforced by Business Manager
.................................... IV 4E 8 5-86
Appeals. See Charges, trials, and appeals
Apprentices......................... III 4 8 0-81
..paid by applicants................ III 1(e) 7 7
..proposal and approval of.......... VIII 8 1 03
..suspension........................ II 3(h) 7 5-76
Auditors, duties.................... IV 4(G) 8 7
..annual............................ IV 4G 8 7
..of Recording Secretary's records.. IV 4C(2) 8 2
..of Secretary-Treasurer's records.. IV 4D(6) 8 3
Autonomy, degree of................. II 2(a) 7 3
Bonding............................. IV 4H(11) 8 9
Business Manager of the Local Union, duties
.................................... IV 4(E) 8 5-87
Charges, trials and appeals
..heard by the Executive Board...... IV 4H(8) 8 8
..procedure......................... XII 1-9 1 06-110
..right to.......................... III 2(h) 7 8-79
..exhausting remedies and........... II 3(l) 7 6
..oath to support................... XIII 1 10
..of Local Unions.................. II 3 7 4-77
..of members....................... III 3 7 9-80
................................... VII 5 1 00-101
..of officers...................... IV 5 8 9
................................... V 7 9 1
................................... VI 3(n) 9 8
..rights of members................. III 2 7 8-79
Councils and other bodies,
..obligation to affiliate with
.................................... II 3(c) 7 4-75
Death benefits...................... XI 1 06
..right to.......................... III 2(f) 7 8
Delegates........................... IV 4E(11) 8 7
.................................... VI 4 9 8-99
Disbursements....................... IX 1-7 1 03-106
Dissolution......................... II 3(k) 7 6
District Council, obligation of affiliate with
.................................... II 3(c) 7 4-75
..arrearage......................... VIII 7 1 03
..arrearages of..................... VIII 4 1 02
..established by District Council... VIII 1 1 01
..retirees and...................... VIII 5 1 02




Article Section Page
Election of officers................ VI 3 9 5-98
Executive Board of the Local Union, duties
.................................... IV 4H 8 7-89
Income.............................. IX 1-7 1 03-106
Initiation fees
..established by the District Council VIII 1 1 01
..established by the Local Union..... VIII 2-3 1 01-102
..minimum and maximum................ VIII 3 1 01-102
..obligation to pay.................. III 3(I) 8 0
..paid by applicant.................. III 1(e) 7 7
..submitted to the International Union IV 4D(7) 8 3
Jurisdiction......................... I 2 7 2
..................................... II 1 7 2-73
..Executive Board attendance at...... IV 5 8 9
..frequency and procedure............ VII 1-7 9 9-101
..parliamentary procedures........... VII 7 1 01
..presiding officer for.............. IV 4(A)(1) 8 1
..................................... VII 5 1 00-101
..proper decorum for................. III 3(e)&(f) 7 9-80
..retired members and................ VII 6 1 01
..right to attend.................... III 2(b) 7 8
..applicants......................... III 1 7 7-78
..................................... IV 4D(9) 8 4
..minimum............................ II 3(g) 7 5
Negotiations, conducted by the Business Manager
..................................... IV 4E 8 5-87
Nomination of officers............... VI 1-2 9 2-95
Oath of allegiance................... XIII 1 10
Objects of the Local Union........... II 1 7 2-73
Obligations of members............... III 3 7 9-80
..at meetings........................ VII 5 1 00-101
Obligations of the Local Unions...... II 3 7 4-77
Officers. See also specific officers
..combining offices.................. IV 2 8 1
..compensation for................... IX 4(d) 1 05
..................................... IX 5-6 1 05-106
..................................... VI 1(d) 9 2
..duties............................. IV 1-6 8 1-89
..election of........................ VI 3 9 5-98
..filling vacancies.................. VI 3(m) 9 8
..list of............................ IV 1-6 8 1-89
..nomination of...................... VI 1-2 9 2-95
..non-compliance by.................. VI 3(o) 9 8
..qualifications of.................. V 1-10 8 9-92
..term of............................ VI 1(h) 9 3




Article Section Page
Pension Fund......................... II 3(j) 7 6
..................................... IV 4D(8) 8 3-84
Per capita tax....................... II 3(h) 7 5-76
..................................... III 1(h) 7 8
Powers of the Local Union............ II 2 7 3-74
President of the Local Union, duties. IV 4A 8 1-82
Qualifications for office............ V 1-10 8 9-92
..of Executive Board................. IV 4H(5) 8 8
..for membership meeting............. VII 3 1 00
Readmission.......................... II 3(h)&(i) 7 5-76
..................................... III 2(e) 7 8
..................................... IV 4D(7) 8 3
..................................... VIII 7 1 03
Recording Secretary, duties.......... IV 4(C) 8 2
..custody of......................... IV 4D(15) 8 5
..reversion to the International Union II 3(k) 7 6
..submission for inspection.......... II 3(e) 7 5
..surrendered by past officers....... IV 6 8 9
Rights of members.................... III 2 7 8-79
Secretary-Treasurer of the Local Union, duties
..................................... IV 4(D) 8 2-85
Sergeant-at-Arms, duties............. IV 4(F) 8 7
Subversive activities................ III 1(b) 7 7
..................................... V 6 9 1
..................................... XIII 1 10
Suspension. See also Charges, trials, and appeal s
..of Local Unions.................... II 3(g)-(k) 7 5-76
..of members......................... VII 4 1 02
..................................... VII 6 1 02
..................................... VIII 7 1 03
..Secretary-Treasurer's report of.... IV 4D(14) 8 5
Transfers............................ X 1 06
..right to........................... III 2(d) 7 8
..Secretary-Treasurer's report of.... IV 4D 8 2-85
..from suspended Local Union......... II 3(g) 7 5
Trial Board.......................... XII 1-9 1 06-110
..See also Charges, trials, and appeals
Trials. See Charges, trials, and appeals
Vice-President of the Local Union, duties IV 4(B) 8 2